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Meet Melissa

My motto: Have HEYER Expectations!!! I hope to put your mind at ease that you will be working with a professional and someone who will put your Real Estate needs first.

I have been licensed to sell real estate since 1997 and have enjoyed helping many people find their new home. I don't believe in taking on more clients than I can service at any one time and that is why I feel confident in saying I can be your "Full Time Agent". I think it's important to return your phone calls promptly and answer all questions in a timely manner. Customer service is not a thing of the past! I will put your needs first. You are making one of the biggest financial and emotional decisions of your life and I want to help make the process as smooth as possible.

If you have more questions for me, just e-mail or call. I will return either as soon as I can. I look forward to working with you soon. | 616-402-5000


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*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.

